October booby prizes. I love you secretly
Second-handed us. Thats the reason
What should I do and say? Actually I really adore him, more than a guy who only loves me with lust. I adore him who doesnt have both of them
"If you're not comfort , just resign! And don't exist arround me..." Widarwanto Wirjono
I guess he feels me. Gosh
#octoberwish somethin changed from people around me, I wanna get free from my stalker, and I lose my love. Amin
I just read his paper on saturday at school. At night, one of my friend tell us bout whats the paper about. I almost cried, prfectly touched
God loves me, im his. I'll be better soon as I can do.
Im not in love, or get bored. You know, I just.. *ran away*
My pray's for us, not only me, not only you, or anyone else
"Be patient, Cha. Till he knows and realizes the truth." I hope so, thanks
Oi: "Mbak ocha jangan bunuh mr.cabe ya, itu udah temenan sama gulis" lovely brother :')
Take care lho ya.. I wish someday I'll be with ya(again and again) emm kalau................ bukan third-handed guy. #oops
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer... *sambil bayangin org-org pada nasyid* uuuh thunder... Inget jaman mxit :--(
I know what he feels. I know that she's being in love. I know that he's happy and feel free. Who's him cha? Nnnngggg
An intelligent figure outside, but dummy inside for some people. And me, badly outside, also fucked heart inside. I make a fair me
Dont make a leak on your mouth, or somethin bad would be happen. Just like condom. Anyway, shut your mouth.
"Call me if you need me, fuck me if you want me" - Bitch
Trust me.
I apologize the 16th month on Oct (the 16th) wouldnt be happen.
My biggest sorry dedicated for Oke'
I believe in God, and us
You're not the bad one, but I am
I was wrong, and I just wanna bear it
Pict: Fucked Brain - Ks Oktarini
"Kekasih sejatimu takkan pernah sanggup utk melupakanmu. Selamat tinggal kasih tak terungkap" - So7 :')